Randy Rainbow may be one of the best sources of entertainment to have come out of Donald Trump’s presidency in the United States. For evidence, just watch one of his musical parodies of Trump’s regime.

The sassy, sharp-witted singer and comedian started with making videos on YouTube where he inserted himself, using green screens and editing techniques, into debates with celebrities and politicians. However, once Trump gained traction in his election campaign, the celebrities gave way to Trump, and the interviews began transitioning to sharp satire and mockery.


A recent offering (video above) features the controversial, nerve-wracking speech by Trump at the UN, addressing the North Korean crisis, where Trump threatened to “totally destroy North Korea” and said, “Rocket Man is on a suicide mission for himself”.

Rainbow called out Trump’s “imbecilic insults” and his “baby-like” rhetoric with a parody of the legendary Sound of Music song, which he dubbed How Do You Solve a Problem Like Korea? Dressed as a nun, Rainbow sang:

“How do you solve a problem like Korea?
How do you sleep when missiles start to fly?
How do you not have constant diarrhoea
When all of our lives depend upon this guy?”

Inevitably, he turned to singing Elton John’s Rocket Man (of course) and reminded us the “Dotard” that his actions “could have apocalyptic results”.


Van Badham of The Guardian appropriately sums up the relevance and importance of Rainbow’s videos, writing, “It’s not only hilarious, but a reinvigorating reminder that if politics are to be rendered in the form of entertainment, entertainment’s obliged to politicise itself in turn,” later adding, “Rainbow is not merely a symptom of these times, but a representation of its potential antidote.”

The fortnightly videos have featured impressive singing and impeccable comic timing by Rainbow (yes, that is his real name) set to tunes ranging from films and shows like Sound of Music and Mary Poppins to Grease and Cats. You can watch some of them below: