Even after decades of practising it, India is still adjusting to the “western” idea of marrying for love – what is infamously referred to as a love marriage.

Deep sociological studies have shown (not!) that one part of the process has become increasingly important – the proposal.

East India Comedy’s Angad Singh Ranyal has a lot to say about this. In a society where romantic relationships still have to be hidden – or, as he puts it, where men are still saving their girlfriend’s phone number as “Vodafone Customer Care” – things play out uniquely.


“In India, you don’t propose to the girl first. You propose the idea of love marriage to your parents,” he says in his stand-up comedy routine (above).

Ranyal shares his own comical experience with his wife – then fiancee, offering the wisdom gleaned from the series of unfortunate events related to the proposal.

His methods may not be flawless, but his comedy is certainly spot-on, if his roaring audience is any pointer.