Beer is serious business in Germany. Oliver Struempfel proved it recently by beating his own record for carrying the largest number of filled beer steins in Abensberg.

After his first attempt with 27 tankards went well, he decided to up the ante by adding four more mugs.

Struempfel didn’t succeed completely as two mugs fell at the last minute. However, he still set a record with 29 mugs. That’s more than 69 kilograms of beer and glass.

“I first did 27 because I wanted to be sure and then at the end I said, let’s add another one and get over 30,” Struempfel said. “Unfortunately it didn’t quite work, but having managed to put 29 down, although I actually got to the end with 31, I think it’s amazing.”

What does it take to achieve this? Among other things, a consistent training schedule at the gym. And, of course, the willpower to not just stop and quaff the beer.