The Haryana Police on Friday issued a lookout notice for Dera Sacha Sauda chief Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh’s adopted daughter Honeypreet Insan. Airport authorities and officials posted at other exit points of the state have been asked to keep an eye out for Insan, who has been accused of sedition for plotting to help Singh escape, NDTV reported.
Panchkula Deputy Commissioner of Police Manbir Singh confirmed the development.
After a Panchkula court held Ram Rahim guilty in two rape cases, Insan was seen holding his bags and had also travelled with him in the government helicopter that had taken him to Rohtak jail. She is believed to have argued with the jail authorities and demanded to be allowed to stay with Singh in prison. Singh had said she was an “acupressure specialist” who could help ease his chronic back pain.
On August 31, Haryana Inspector General of Police KK Rao had said security officials had thwarted the Dera chief’s escape plans to use a red bag as a signal to his supporters to create a frenzy. The officer told the media that the self-styled godman’s demand for a red bag, soon after the court declared him guilty of raping two of his followers, led them to suspect foul play.
The police were criticised for inefficiency after 36 people died and over 250 were injured in the violence that erupted after he was pronounced guilty in two rape cases.
On Monday, a Central Bureau of Investigation court in Panchkula had sentenced Ram Rahim to 20 years in prison for raping two of his followers in 2002. These are consecutive sentences, which means he has to serve a 10-year term in jail for each case one after the other.
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