While heavy rainstorms overtook Houston on Sunday, a local TV news team was out reporting when the reporter – whose own office was flooded – noticed that a man was trapped in a semi-trailer truck under at least 10 feet of water.

KHOU reporter Brandi Smith was reporting live from a highway when cameraman Mario Sandoval alerted her about the driver’s situation. “There is movement inside the truck,” Smith told her viewers, before talking to the stranded driver, identified later as Robert.

“Sir, are you OK? Can you get to the top of your vehicle?” she asked. “Can you get to the top of your truck? Do not climb into the water.”


Smith spotted a pickup truck with a boat in tow from the Harris County Sheriff’s office a short while later and rushed to flag the officers down for help. Robert was pulled out of the truck’s window safely with the help of the rescue boat.

While waiting, Smith said, “I don’t have any word on how long he’s been there or what kind of condition he’s in. I’m sure he’s very wet, very cold, very frightened. I am terrified for him, so I can’t imagine the level of fear he has here.”

When asked about what went through his mind as he was stranded, Robert said, “Lord help me, Lord help me. Get me out of here safely.”