The website Mashable and the Independent newspaper have received details of the season finale of Game of Thrones, but are refraining from publishing details of the episode.

The synopsis of the script of the last episode of season seven has been sent by the group of cyber hackers that targetted Game of Thrones producer and international distributor HBO. “The confidential plot summaries and outlines appear to provide, in exact detail, just how this season will end,” the website reported. “Mashable has read the confidential summary, but has chosen not to publish the explicit details in this post. We’ve also reached out to HBO who declined to comment on the new data dump.”


The hackers are trying to shake down HBO for $6.5 million of Bitcon, which the network has refused to pay. “We know exactly what HBO and shoemakers around are doing now,” the group, which calls itself “Mr Smith”, told Mashable in an emailed statement. “Unlike HBO, we never getting surprised. Pattern analysis of HBO’s silly hidden acts are as we expected.”

The final episode will be aired on Sunday in the United States of America. It brings to a close a season that has divided even hard-core fans with its rapid plot twists. Jon Snow finally comes face to face with Cersei Lannister, and a big battle seems on the cards. The final season is aiming for a 2018 airdate, and will bring to a close the adaptation of George RR Martin’s fantasy novels.