Game of Thrones is filled with murder, intrigue and violence. The latest episode features a brilliantly choreographed action sequence between the White Walkers and Jon Snow and his posse. Viral-tweeting US President Donald Trump would not be out of place in this fantasy landscape. In a mash-up video of the HBO series and Trump’s speeches, Trump turns away Daenerys Targaryen, at the gates of Qarth. “We have a tremendous problem and we can’t be the stupid country any more”, Trump tells the Mother of Dragons.

The video was made by Australian political satirist Huw Parkinson, who previously featured Seinfeld in Parliament and Yes We Kanye. “Armed with a Valyrian steel sword named Deal-Maker,” writes Parkinson on the video’s Youtube page, “Donald Trump embarks on a quest through Westeros to take care its border policies.”

It’s not all war and grimness on the sets of the series. Emilia Clarke, who portrays Daenerys, shared a hilarious video of Kit Harington (Jon Snow) imitating a dragon in full flight.