It was a report on dog surfers that did it. In the slow news cycle of August, BBC anchor Simon McCoy had to present a cutesy segment about dogs surfing, which he did with a remarkable display of emotions – the screen cracking under the strain of his intense disinterest and show of indifference as he continued speaking in a lazy drawl.

The internet could not keep calm at this brazen lack of enthusiasm, and Stephen Colbert, the host of The Late Show on CBS, was no exception. As the video above shows, he decided to address this issue of slow news with a spoof of his own.


In his interpretation, the anchor is visibly disconcerted at having to present a report on a raccoon who has learnt to clean – with a broom – in Montana. He sighs loudly, reporting: “According to sources, the video has gone, God help me, ‘totes epically mega-viral’.” Many more sighs, pauses, air quotes and gulps of alcohol on-air follow, as does a report on a “cool dude” alligator wearing sunglasses who’s become a big hit in Florida. “This is what it has come to, ladies and gentlemen! The British Broadcasting Corporation! The network that brought you the Partition of India is now reporting on animals wearing clothes,” Colbert, barely disguised, shrieks in exasperation. And then, just when he is about to give up, there’s a “real news break”.

Watch the original footage from BBC, featuring anchor Simon McCoy below: