The Bengali film Dhananjoy, which revisits the conviction and hanging of security guard Dhanajoy Chatterjee in the 1990 Hetal Parekh rape and murder case, has been referred to the Central Board of Film Certification head office in Mumbai by the Kolkata branch. Director Arindam Sil has not been told why this has been done, according to a PTI report. “I was expecting an A rating with few cuts but the CBFC Kolkata office has informed me the film will now be sent to the CBFC Chairman Pahlaj Nihalani’s office,” Sil told PTI.
Ajoy Mhamia, an official from the Kolkata censor board office, said that the committee members could not decide what to do with the film. So they recommended it to Pahlani’s office “as per usual norms”. Dhananjoy stars Anirban Bhattacharya as the watchman who was jailed for 14 years for raping and killing 18-year-old Parekh. He was executed in 2004 on the basis of circumstantial evidence. Dhanonjoy is scheduled for an August 11 release.
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