In India, political pundits believe campaigning for Election 2019 has begun already, at least by the ruling party if not by an Opposition still in disarray. But US President Donald Trump appears to have stolen a march over Indian politicians when it comes to advance planning.

For, although the next US Elections are not till 2020, Trump’s re-election Political Action Committee has released a television spot (above) titled Let President Trump Do His Job.

In a familiar script, the ad lists the achievements claimed by the Trump administration, including creation of jobs and stock market rallies. “The President’s enemies don’t want him to succeed,” it insists. Where have we heard that before?

“This new campaign ad speaks directly to the American people and sets the record straight, reminding them that President Donald Trump will not stop fighting for them and will not allow anyone to stand in his way to deliver success for them,” campaign manager Michael Glassner said in a statement announcing the ad.