Apple’s Chief Executive Officer Tim Cook on Tuesday said he is “very bullish and very optimistic about India”, and that the company would continue to increase its investments in the company. Cook was speaking to analysts while announcing the company’s third quarter earnings when he said the company had several upcoming projects in India including a manufacturing unit for the iPhone SE and an app accelerator centre.

Cook said the company was “really happy” with how things are going in India.“So we’re bringing all of our energies to bear there,” he said.


Cook’s enthusiasm comes at a time when Apple is believed to be looking for tax breaks for its manufacturing units in India, Reuters reported. However, government officials told the news agency that to do this, it would have to come up with a new policy that would apply to other companies as well, not just Apple. Apple has redoubled its focus on India with its popularity in China slowing down in recent months.

On Tuesday, the company’s stocks rose to an all-time high at $159.10 (approximately Rs 10,200), climbing by 6% by the time United States markets closed. This rise came on the back of a strong performance in the April-June quarter.