We have all heard Ravi Shastri’s commentary during a match. The trademark phrases that catch your attention, the oft-repeated yet powerful sentences that Indian cricket fans know all too well about, the Shastrisms that go viral on social media, the enunciation of words and modulation of tone for over-emphasis.

As the new head coach of Indian cricket team, Shastri’s first press conference was no different.

Ahead of the team’s departure to Sri Lanka, Shastri, alongside captain Virat Kohli, addressed the media in the backdrop of a few weeks of continued controversies. This was no normal occasion. He has just replaced a legend of Indian cricket in Anil Kumble. His appointment was, and since been, an event that almost brought Indian cricket to a standstill. ‘What is Virat even thinking’ was a question on lots of fans’ minds and Shastri was in the eye of that storm.


The former captain, however, proved that he’s been hired for that precise reason – to shield his team from pressure and understand what his captain wants.

While Kohli was giving answers by the book to questions over the controversies of the past few weeks, Shastri took it upon himself to become the voice of the room. Everything he said was to make sure he dominates the headlines, which he sure did. While Kohli was saying the ‘right things’, Shastri decided to go all Shastri.

Right from the moment he said “Ravi Shastris and Anil Kumbles come and go,” he had the room full of journalists on a hook. The way he manipulated the media away from Kohli, answering the tough questions, was the standout feature of that press conference.


Sample this. When Kohli was asked about the importance of having the coaching staff he was comfortable with, the Indian captain said the years of working under this support staff made it easier for him adapt to. He mentioned, in his now-familar straightforward tone, that every walk of life requires a certain amount of give and take.

And that’s when Shastri quickly intervened , saying he wants to answer that question as well and started with a quip. “I’m going to wear two hats now, and believe me, there’s no conflict of interest there. First as a player and next as a former captain.” At that precise moment, as the gathered crowd lets out a casual laugh, Shastri must have known that the attention was taken away from Kohli. In fact, Kohli had a smile on his face that said ‘this is what I wanted.’ Shastri then went on to elaborate, pauses and all, on what his coaching style would be.

“As a player, you want your mind clear and play without a care in the world about what’s happening on the outside. That happens with good communication with the support staff. As the head coach, my job is to do exactly that for every player. To put him in a frame of mind where he’s thinking only about his role and he’s thinking about the team.”


Shield the captain - check.

At that point, it also becomes clear that Shastri wants to distance himself away from the Kumble regime. It’s now about getting to establish his role in the team. Every time Shastri spoke in that 10 minute-interaction with the media, he had a punchline, he took sly digs, he made it a point to raise his voice.

“If Bharat Arun’s name was someone else who played a lot of Tests, you would have put him on top of the tree,” was his response to being asked what made his former teammate special. Arun got unequivocal support, the kind Shastri will provide the rest of the team as well.


Anil Kumble had said pretty much the exact same thing a year back and we know how that turned out – despite insisting it was all about the players, Kumble’s swift end came about because of his ‘over-bearing’ attitude. With Shastri, however, you know the captain and much of the squad, already buys into his philosophy. When Shastri says, it’s all about the team and he doesn’t matter, the team believes him.

At the end of the interaction, everyone gathered was left talking about the head coach and what he had to say. Suddenly, Kohli was in the background. Kohli stayed out of the headlines. Kohli, like he said, can now just go out there and play cricket.

How the Indian team will perform on the pitch as Shastri and his support staff start their stint, and with Kohli under added pressure of delivering results, only time will. But for the team that is ailing off the pitch, things are off to an expected start under Shastri – for now, it’s just what the doctor ordered.