The International Olympic Committee on Tuesday announced that Paris and Los Angeles will host the 2024 and 2028 Olympic Games, but that it is up to the cities to decide who gets to go first. Both want to host the 2024 Olympics, and their Olympic committees have been given time till September to come to an agreement, CNN reported. Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti said they were looking forward to “working with the IOC and Paris in the weeks ahead to turn this golden opportunity into a golden future together.”

This is the first time the IOC has announced the hosts for two successive games together. If the two cities cannot come to a decision, the IOC will intervene, but in that case a new set of bidders might be brought in for the 2028 games, the organisation’s Vice President John Coates suggested. The final decision will be announced on Septemer 13.


Paris and Los Angeles became the last two bidders after Hamburg, Budapest and Rome withdrew their offers. While Los Angeles has claimed that it has “never been only about 2024,”, Paris insists that it cannot hosts the Games after 2024 as the site earmarked to become the Olympic village is to undergo redevelopment after that year.

Tokyo will host the 2020 Olympics.