A deadlock at the G20 summit over the Paris climate change agreement seems to have been broken, BBC reported on Saturday. A compromise closing text for the summit has been agreed upon on the climate pact issue.

The text acknowledges United States President Donald Trump’s withdrawal from the Paris climate agreement without undermining the commitment of other countries, according to a European Union official.

Meanwhile, Trump met German Chancellor Angela Merkel on the sidelines of the summit. Merkel also held a breakfast with Russian President Vladimir Putin and French President Emmanuel Macron.


Putin also told world leaders that Russia has never interfered in the US election, said Reuters. Trump for his part promised $639 million in funding for humanitarian programmes, including $331 million to help people in four famine-hit countries - Somalia, South Sudan, Nigeria and Yemen.

“The outcome is good,”an EU official said about the summit. “We have a communiqué. There is just one outstanding issue on climate.” He added that the statement included a pledge to “fight protectionism”.

Protests continue in Hamburg

Street protests continued in Hamburg against the summit. Anti-capitalist Black Bloc militants moved to the front of a demonstration against the G20 summit. In a night of rioting, the protestors looted shops, hurled objects and set alight street barricades. At least 40,000 people had gathered by about 6.30 pm (Indian Standard Time) and police in riot gear tried to control the situation.


In the last three days, more than 200 police officers have been injured. At least 143 people have been arrested and 122 taken into custody.


Ivanka Trump takes her father’s seat at G20 meeting

Meanwhile, Donald Trump’s daughter Ivanka stirred a debate after she briefly took her father’s seat at a meeting with other world leaders at the G20 summit, reported CNN. Twitter picked up a photo of Ivanka sitting next to Chinese President Xi Jinping, British Prime Minister Theresa May, Turkey President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and Angela Merkel.

A senior Trump administration official, while confirming that Ivanka sat in for the US President, said that she had done so as important discussions had begun while Trump was away.