Once India’s most coveted (but, now, ridiculed sometimes) field for job-seekers, engineering is the subject of comedy group All India Bakchod’s (AIB) newest video in its “Honest” series. Honest Engineering Campus Placements captures, over three short episodes, an engineering student’s life – mincing no words.

The mini-series (Part 1 above) accurately captures the absurdities of campus placement, right from corporate videos – “We are selling you the monotony of routine packaged as the good life” – through ridiculous cut-offs and aptitude tests, to the interview process, which includes group discussions whose purpose is “to test your skills, particularly in the field of nothing”.

We meet our middling hero “Average Mishra” and his friends, “Failure Mehta” and “Overachiever Gokhale”, who are exactly what their names suggest. And there’s “Mr Overpaid Executive of Generic IT Company” who will “mislead you into believing that ki agar aapka iss company mei nahi hua toh samjho aapki life khatam.” And the evil mass recuiter.

The series does have a serious message behind the humour, encapsulated in Average Mishra’s rant in the end: “If the engineering colleges in our country focused on our all-round development instead of functioning like a goddamned factory that is just mass producing robots by killing their dreams and handing out degrees, I would not be sitting here..”