What connection would you imagine between a driving school and gau raksha? Stand-up comedian Kanan Gill found a very funny one – when he signed up for driving classes last year. In a video clip titled Driving School and Cows (above), he said he found learning to drive much like going to a regular school, “except people teaching you, also not educated.”

“I went to a particularly hardcore driving school because we had a mock test for a learner’s licence,” he said, going over the particularly absurd multiple-choice questions he had to answer to prove his competence on the road.


“Question two, I swear, is...‘There is a cow...How will you cross?’ Full question. At no point does it mention ‘where’ you are. Or ‘where’ the cow is.” What if you were in your office, or sleeping in bed at night? cackled Gill.

And then, the punchline: “If I had to come up with a tagline for India, that would be it. You are on one side of the road. On the other side is progress. But in the middle, there is a cow. How do you cross?” His options: A – Front of cow, B – Behind cow or C – U-turn? His own, option D: “Worship cow, escape.”

Gill didn’t forget to mention those who rebuked him for not recognising the worth of the “milk-giving” cow.