On Tuesday, the All India Football Federation’s website was hacked by an anonymous group allegedly based out of Pakistan. The hackers posted derogatory messages on the site about India’s outrage at former Indian Navy officer Kulbhushan Jadhav being sentenced to death. A Pakistani court had sentenced Jadhav on charges that he was an Indian spy.
The website, which is usually used by the football body to disseminate information on football activities across the country, has since been blocked.
Jadhav’s death penalty had drawn condemnation from the Indian government, which felt that his trial was not conducted in a transparent manner.
Jadhav was arrested in March 2016. Pakistan had accused him of having entered the country through Iran and helping Baloch separatists, while working for India’s Research and Analysis Wing. Jadhav was charged with terrorism, sabotage and violating the country’s Foreigner Act. After his arrest, the Pakistani Army had released what they claimed was a “confessional video”.
Delhi has maintained that it will treat Jadhav’s sentencing as murder if Islamabad goes ahead with the execution.
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