American competitive eating legend Kevin Strahle doesn’t scare easy. This was obvious when he decided to take on a couple of world records last week without batting an eyelid.

On May 3, he almost doubled the number of red hot peppers anyone has eaten in two minutes. He broke another record for consuming the largest number of chicken nuggets in three minutes.

Sounds in(cr)edible, right? But Strahle said his eyes don’t burn when he’s wolfing down those peppers. And then he let slip a few too many details about an incident that involved him “ejecting” the peppers from his body...which did cause quite an uncomfortable burning sensation.


Strahle, also called LA Beast for his “superpowers”, had to work on his skills for a month, chewing dried peppers as practice.

Even so, how does he manage? Apparently, he pretends he is on a beach, sipping beers in his head while allowing his body to do all the work, said Strahle.

Challenge done, he is seen gulping down milk like his life depended on it to soothe his burning insides, while being informed that he has set yet another world record.