Indian Grand Master Harika Dronavalli eked out a hard-fought draw against higher-rated Mustafa Yilmaz of Turkey in round eight of the Rejkjavik Open chess tournament, PTI reported.

Harika, who had a glorious opportunity to break into the top five in the points table, could not breach the Turkish Grand Master’s defence and with time running out both the players decided to call it a day and share the spoils.

“It was a very complicated game from the beginning. Even though I got into good positions, I took a lot more time than Mustafa and was down on time from the early stages,” Harika said.


“I had managed to get into position with my pawn up at the end but left my king a little open. I offered a draw even though I was in a better position and my opponent agreed. I have no regrets as I played an interesting game,” she added.

The World No 11 now has five wins, two draws and a loss to her credit in the tournament.

With a total of six points from a possible eight points, she is now sitting on 15th on the leaderboard and is just half point adrift from the table topper.

She will now take on the Dutch Grand Master Erwin L’Ami in her next round encounter.