The Bombay Stock Exchange Sensex on Tuesday ended in the red after losing 95 points to settle at 29,319. The National Stock Exchange Nifty, too, dropped 34.15 points to close at 9105.15. NTPC, Wipro, Aurobindo Pharma and IOC were among the top gainers during the day’s trading session, while Tata Steel, Coal India and Bharti Infratel trailed. The decline was attributed to mixed global cues.
United Breweries and United Spirits declined by 2% after news that absconding liquor baron Vijay Mallya was arrested in London emerged. During the midday session, Nifty touched the 9,200-mark while the Sensex rose by 270 points.
Asian stocks recovered on Tuesday following a short slump after the United States Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin said the dollar looked strong in the long term. But gains in global markets were restricted amid tensions with North Korea. The MSCI Asia-Pacific Index dropped 0.4%; Hong Kong’s Hang Seng fell 0.9%; and the Shanghai Composite lost 0.1%.
The Indian rupee opened at 64.51 a dollar and was trading at 64.55 by the end of the session.
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