Elephants are considered divine in many parts of South India. Why then are they tied up in chains in some places?

Sangita Iyer’s investigative documentary Gods in Shackles is set in Thrissur, the epicentre of the elephant entertainment industry. It reveals the pain of being a temple elephant in Kerala, and chronicles the ghastly practice of keeping these revered creatures in chains.

The video below is a sneak peek into the documentary

Some animal-training centres in Kerala claim their story is different. Not all elephants are ill-treated, their owners say, arguing that their wards are properly fed, bathed and taken care of. The trainers and caretakers at these centres apparently swear by these practices.


The video below shows how elephants are taken treated at a well-known elephant training centre in Ernakulam.

Many of these elephants are made to participate in the annual Thrissurpooram temple festival. The event is known for one of the most spectacular pachyderm parades in the world (video below).

But the way animal activists see it, this festival seems to cost these elephants their heath. For devotees, however, they merely gods in chains.