Twitter is mulling over adding a paid membership feature for business and power accounts. The social media company is currently conducting surveys to determine the kind of interest the service could generate. Paid account users would have access to an improved interface, BBC reported on Friday.

While no official announcement has been made yet, the feature would open up new revenue options for Twitter, which is believed to be struggling to increase it user base. “We regularly conduct user research to gather feedback about people’s Twitter experience and to better inform our product investment decisions, and we’re exploring several ways to make TweetDeck even more valuable for professionals,” the company said in a statement.


The firm sent an exclusive email to several users. “This premium tool set will provide valuable viewing, posting and signaling tools such as alerts, trends, activity analysis and advanced analytics, and composing and posting tools all in one customisable dashboard,” the email said, according to BBC.

If the social media site sees its plans through, it will be competing with companies like SocialFlow and HootSuite.