Indian markets made marginal gains on Friday after Finance Minister Arun Jaitley said the Centre and Reserve Bank of India will announce a policy decision on dealing with bad loans. The Bombay Stock Exchange Sensex on Friday closed 89.24 points up at 29,421, while the National Stock Exchange Nifty crossed the 9,100 mark ending 21.70 points higher.
Stocks of Yes Bank traded higher after it announced the sale of shares worth up to $750 million (around Rs 4,730 crore). Bharti Airtel, which had been trading lower for the past two days, went up 0.16% after it announced its deal Tikona Networks – the telecom major is set to acquire Tikona’s 4G business for around Rs 1,600 crore.
Among the toppers on the Sensex were ICICI Bank, rose nearly 3%, followed by SBI (2.81%) and ITC (1.15%). The major losers were Infosys, TCS (1.31%), Cipla (0.55%) and Bajaj Auto (0.93%).
The top gainers on the Nifty were Bank of Baroda (4%), ICICI Bank (3.22%), SBI (2.77%) and GAIL (1.43%). GRASIM (-2.94%), Tech Mahindra (-2.03%) and Zee Entertainment (-1.34%) suffered losses on the NSE index.
The rupee traded marginally higher against the US dollar at 65.45, as the greenback declined in value following reports said that US President Donald Trump’s healthcare Bill had been delayed.
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