Perhaps it isn’t unexpected that Shiv Sena MP Ravindra Gaikwad from the Osmanabad constituency of Maharashtra has been brazening it out (video above) after assaulting an Air India staffer (video below). A habitual offender, Gaikwad had earlier tried to stuff chapatis down a Muslim caterer’s throat during Ramzan on the ostensible grounds of poor quality of food.
The MP feels he was within his rights to launch a physical assault after, apparently, being denied a business class seat on a flight. While Air India has made an official complaint and the Shiv Sena has asked him for explanation, Gaikwad appears quite proud of his feat, insinuating to ANI that this is how a Shiv Sena MP responds, unlike, say, a BJP MP.
Gaikwad doesn’t appear to be overly conversant with the structure of the Lok Sabha of which he is a member. Here he promises to complain to the ‘president of the Lok Sabha’.
Gaikwad even brags that he is a teacher. “What sort of MP are you?” asks an interviewer. “A Shiv Sena MP,” he proclaims proudly, adding that the Shiv Sena doesn’t know – or care – about the law. And, of course, that he isn’t remotely ashamed.
Clearly, some politicians continue to think they are above the law, considering privilege and entitlement part of their compensation package.
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