In a new video that surfaced on Thursday, Hizbul Mujahideen commander Zakir Bhat has been heard appealing to protestors to fight for the “supremacy” of Islam and not “nationalism”. “I want to tell my stone-pelting brothers that they should check their motives as to why they are fighting when they pick up stones. I want to tell these brothers they should not fall for nationalism,” he said in the video, according to the Hindustan Times.

In the 11-minute-long video, Bhat also is heard saying that nationalism and democracy are not allowed in Islam. He says the intention behind picking up arms should be for the “supremacy” of Islam, “so that Sharia is established here”.


Bhat also threatens the Jammu and Kashmir police of an upcoming “war”. “Don’t think they [the police] are our brothers. They are supporting infidels and this is my last warning before the beginning of war,” Bhat is quoted as saying by the Kashmir Reader.

Bhat is also seen thanking locals for supporting the Hizbul Mujahideen militants. He appealed to the youth to share information about the movement of the forces in their neighbourhoods on social media.

Bhat, an engineering student, took charge as the Hizbul Mujahideen commander after Burhan Wani was killed on July 8 last year. In the older videos, Bhat was seen making threats to the police and their informers.