Oppo Electronics was announced as the Indian cricket team’s new jersey sponsor on Tuesday. In a statement issued by the Board of Control for Cricket in India, the Chinese electronics company signed a five-year deal to sponsor the Indian cricket team, starting April 2017. Oppo has paid Rs 1,079 crore for the five-year deal. The company will pay Rs 4.61 crore per bilateral match and Rs 1.56 crore for a game from an International Cricket Council tournament.
The new team India jersey with Oppo’s logo will be seen first during the Champions Trophy in June. Current team sponsor Star India decided not to bid again because of the impasse between the International Cricket Council and the BCCI. Star was team India’s sponsor from January 2014 up to March 2017.
As Scroll.in’s Jaideep Vaidya wrote in this story, Star already has the broadcast, internet and mobile rights for Indian cricket till March 2018, which means their sponsorship of the Indian team was a conflict of interest.
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