The Bahujan Samajwadi Party’s candidate from Ayodhya constituency, Bazmi Siddiqui, was booked in a case of gangrape in Faizabad on Saturday. Senior Superintendent of Police Anant Dev told PTI that they had arrested five of his aides in connection with the case, but one other was absconding.

In her complaint, the woman had alleged that Siddiqui and his men had forced themselves inside her house in Faizabad’s Purani Sabzi Mandi locality late on Friday, after which they beat her and her family members and then raped her.


Siddiqui, however, has denied the accusation, calling it a political conspiracy against him. “There is a BSP wave in the ongoing elections, and I am winning. So the opposition parties are conspiring against me,” he told PTI. The complainant further claimed that Siddiqi had raped her three months ago, as well, but the local police had managed to save him.

According to the police, the BSP leader has a number of criminal cases registered against him in Lucknow and Faizabad. He made news after being reported as the BSP’s first Muslim candidate from the Ayodhya seat.