Over the last few years, food scientists from around the world have been touting the virtues of insects as the food of the future. Insects, of course, have been part of the cuisines of many countries.

Now, Hollywood actor Angelina Jolie explains in minute detail how one should go about chomping on the creepy-crawlies. Specifically, tarantulas.

“See the hard part where you have the teeth? Take the fangs out. I think it’s always been a part of the diet (in Cambodia), the bugs, but then I think there is a truth to the survival during the war. Of course, when people were being starved they were able to survive on things like this and they did,” says Jolie in the video above, a clip from an interview to BBC, filmed in Cambodia.

Jolie’s advice for those willing to take a plunge into the world of dietary adventure is simple: “Crickets, you start with crickets. Crickets and a beer. And then you kind of move up to tarantulas.”