Break-ups can be beastly, especially if a lion is involved. In a deviation from the normal strategies of its IT cell, the BJP is hitting out at former partner Shiv Sena – separated for the Mumbai municipality polls, though they’re still together as an alliance running the state government – with cartoons.

That’s right, cartoons, in a clear snub to the Shiv Sena founder Bal Thackeray’s cartooning career.

This is partly in response to Shiv Sena chief Uddhav Thackeray’s verbal broadsides against the BJP. Already, the two sides have been pointing fingers at each other, hurling charges of corruption and weak governance. And now the BJP has launched a series of animated cartoons, via social media.

The Shiv Sena is referred to as the “Khau Sena” – an allusion to corruption – in short, not particularly imaginative or funny, cartoons featuring the misadventures of a tiger and his son. There is the occasional entry of a lion, presumably symbolising the BJP.