A hashtag on Twitter is uniting environmentalists, science lovers and anonymous employees of the US National Park Service against one common enemy – American President Donald Trump. Their catchphrase: #resist.

Following Trump’s inauguration into the White House as the 45th president of the United States, on January 20, the official Twitter account of the US National Park Services was temporarily suspended. This action was taken after an employee pointed out the removal of the climate change pages on Whitehouse.gov, and retweeted a tweet by a New York Times reporter comparing the crowd at Trump’s inaugural ceremony to those in attendance at former President Barack Obama’s swearing-in.

The statement on the website said that Trump was committed to eliminating “harmful and unnecessary policies such as the Climate Action Plan”, a strategy put in place by Obama to cut carbon emissions.


In less than 24 hours several rogue Twitter accounts mushroomed online: Describing themselves as resistance accounts instead of mere Twitter parodies, the National Park services, National Aeronautics and Space Administration, and Environmental Protection Agency chose humour to draw attention to climate change, as well as the president’s startling orange skin and tiny hands.

However, these accounts are balancing the jokes by offering a series of facts on climate change and encouraging people to join the Science March to be held in March in Washington, DC, to protest against federal policies which are ungrounded in science.