More than Rs 83 crore in cash, liquor worth Rs 12.65 crore and narcotics valued at Rs 10.30 crore have been seized from poll-bound Uttar Pradesh and Punjab, PTI reported on Sunday. The seizure was made by surveillance and monitoring teams appointed by the Election Commission. The data has been compiled between January 4 – when the poll dates were announced – and January 18.
The most seizures was made from Uttar Pradesh, where Rs 79.13 crore in cash, and around 3.95 lakh litres of liquor worth Rs 10.7 crore were found. In Punjab, Rs 4.05 crore in cash and more than 3,09 litres of liquor was seized. Around Rs 33.27 lakh in cash was seized from Uttarakhand and Rs 6.97 lakh in Manipur.
Drugs of 1,485 kg worth Rs 10.30 crore were seized, of which 1,134 kg worth Rs 9.06 crore was found in Punjab alone. Over 280 kg was seized from Uttar Pradesh.
A total of 7.36 lakh litres of liquor was also seized from the five states – Uttar Pradesh, Punjab, Manipur, Goa and Uttarakhand. Over 25,000 litres of liquor was seized from Uttarakhand, more than 4,605 litres from Manipur and beer bottles from Goa worth Rs 1.35 lakh was seized.
Assembly elections in these five states are slated to begin from February 4. Votes will be counted on March 11.
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