A software engineer from Pune murdered his wife and committed suicide, allegedly because she shared too many details of their lives on Facebook. Thirty-four year old Rakesh Gangurde had written a note saying he fought with his wife Sonali very frequently because of her social media posts, reports said. Gangurde had smothered his wife late on Tuesday night and had hanged himself from a fan later, the police said.

Sub-Inspector M A Doke of the Hadapsar police station said, “The two brothers [Sonali’s], along with their cousins, came to the police station and informed us that the couple was not opening the door… A team from the police station went to the flat and we broke open the door after midnight,” The Indian Express reported. Sonali Gangurde’s brother Harshal Pawar told the police that he and their elder sibling Kunal had visited her home on Wednesday because she had not been responding to their mother’s phone calls.

The police also revealed the contents of Gangurde’s note. An officer said that, according to the letter, Gangurde was unhappy because they did not have a child and were “receiving treatment for that”. “Rakesh did not like Sonali sharing these things with others,” the officer said.