The accused in two separate cases of ragging were booked in Kerala on Monday. In the first instance, five of the seven students accused of brutally ragging their juniors at a college in Kerala surrendered before the police on Sunday night, authorities said on Monday. One of the victims suffered kidney damage and has undergone dialysis three times since the bullying took place on December 2, PTI reported.
The seniors allegedly forced eight first-year students of Government Polytechnic College in Nattakom to six hours of rigorous exercise in the men’s hostel and also made them drink copious amounts of undiluted alcohol, police said. Two of them – one from Thrissur district and another from Ernakulam – were seriously injured and hospitalised later. The student from Thrissur suffered kidney damage, according to the officers. They were both Dalits, according to Hindustan Times.
The accused have all been suspended from the institute. Two of them are absconding. The police have booked them in two cases and the human rights commission of Kerala has sought a report from the education department.
In the second case, a student from the Cochin University of Science and Technology attempted suicide after he was beaten up and allegedly subjected to mental torture for hours on Friday. His father said the student was admitted to a hospital in Mangalore after he consumed pesticide. The three students behind the bullying have been booked for attempt to murder, according to the HT report.
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