A 10-month-old baby girl was assaulted by a caretaker in Navi Mumbai’s Kharghar area, reported The Hindu. The baby was reportedly kicked, hit and banged on the floor by the caretaker at the playschool.

On Monday morning, the mother of the baby dropped her at Purva Playschool and Nursery. When she returned later in the day to pick her baby up, she found that the baby was unconscious and had bruises on her face, reported the Hindustan Times.

Next morning, the parents took their child to Fortis Hospital where they were told that the baby was brutally assaulted. After a lot of struggle, the parents caught hold of the CCTV footage where the child was seen being assaulted by the caretaker.


“We finally managed to get the footage on Wednesday afternoon, wherein we saw the help throwing our baby around like a football,” the mother told Hindustan Times.

A case was filed against the owner of the daycare, Priyanka Nikam, and the caretaker under Sections 325 (voluntary causing grievous hurt), 34 (Acts done by several persons) of the Indian Penal Code and Section 23 of Child Protection of Children Act 2000. However, the accused were released on bail on Thursday.