The Board of Control for Cricket in India on Tuesday moved the Supreme Court for the release of funds for the India-England Test match in Rajkot beginning on Wednesday. The cash-strapped board said that if the funds were not disbursed, the Test match will have to be cancelled. The Supreme Court had asked two banks to freeze transactions made by the BCCI to state cricket associations last month.
However, the Supreme Court-appointed Lodha panel opposed the BCCI submission. It said that the cricket body is in contempt by not obeying the Supreme Court directions. The apex court bench said that it will consult the Chief Justice of India on the matter. The court is scheduled to hear further arguments on Tuesday at 2 pm, reported The Indian Express.
Last week, the BCCI had written to their English counterparts asking them to bear their expenses for the India tour as they were not allowed to enter into contracts without the direction of the Lodha panel. In October, the Supreme Court had directed the state cricket associations to not utilise the funds transferred by the BCCI until further notice. The order was passed after the BCCI refused to implement the reforms of the Lodha committee, which drew the ire of the Supreme Court and resulted in the BCCI facing strict actions for its defiance.
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