The Delhi High Court on Monday issued a stay order on the Aam Aadmi Party government's decision to offer Rs 1 crore as compensation and a job to the next of kin of ex-serviceman Ram Kishan Grewal, who committed suicide while protesting against the non-implementation of the Centre's One Rank, One Pension scheme. The court's order was based on a public interest litigation filed by advocate Avadh Kaushik that challenged the Arvind Kejriwal administration's decision, according to theThe Indian Express.
Kaushik's petition also questioned the government's decision to declare Grewal a martyr. The AAP government defended its decision and said that this was a "policy matter" that was under the domain of government policy and needed to be sent to Lieutenant Governor Najeeb Jung for approval. The court is expected to announce its final verdict on this by November 13.
Ram Kishan Grewal had consumed poison at Delhi's Jantar Mantar on October 1, where he had been protesting against the government allegedly going back on its word to implement the proposal. The government had reinstated the OROP scheme in September 2015, more than 43 years after the formula for calculating pensions for those retiring from India's armed forces was terminated by the Indira Gandhi administration. It formally notified the OROP scheme for more than 24 lakh ex-servicemen and six lakh war widows in the country on November 8, 2015.
On November 3, Defence Minister Manohar Parrikar had said that the one lakh ex-servicemen, who have yet to receive the revised pension under the One Rank, One Pension scheme, will get their dues within two months.
The petitioner had filed PILs against the Arvind Kejriwal government for granting compensation to suicide victims on two other occasions. The first petition opposed the government's decision to declare Rajasthan farmer Gajendra Singh Kalyanwat a martyr after he had allegedly hanged himself at an AAP rally at Jantar Mantar in 2015. His second PIL against the Delhi government questioned its decision to grant a job to the brother of Rohith Vemula, the University of Hyderabad Dalit scholar who had committed suicide in January.
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