The Reserve Bank of India on Wednesday asked people to carefully examine currency notes of Rs 500 and Rs 1,000 denomination for authenticity before accepting them, PTI reported. "It has come to our notice that unscrupulous elements are putting into circulation Fake Indian Currency Notes of higher denominations in the course of normal transactions, taking advantage of the gullible and unsuspecting nature of some members of the public," the RBI said. The bank urged people to cooperate with them in their drive to contain the circulation of fake currency.
The RBI said the fake notes could be easily identified on close scrutiny, because genuine Indian currency notes have distinct security features. The details about the features to look for in a currency note are available on RBI’s official website. "Members of public are requested to make it a habit of looking at the notes before accepting them in the usual course of daily transactions and help arrest the counterfeiting of Indian banknotes," the RBI said. The bank is also planning to add more identity requirements for the use of Indian currency notes in large numbers.
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