A survey by the Indian Railways on Monday revealed that among the country's 23 railway stations that offer free Wi-Fi, Patna has the highest number of users. However, pornographic sites make up most of the content searched for at the station. An official told PTI, "The Patna railway station is on top [of the list] for use of internet search, particularly porn sites."
Apart from porn, users also looked up YouTube and Wikipedia, and there were many searches at the Patna station for apps as well as Bollywood and Hollywood films, said officials of RailTel, a state-run firm that offers free Wi-Fi up to 1GB data at stations. The railway stations at Jaipur, Bengaluru and New Delhi follow Patna in the list.
Patna, which falls under the Danapur division of East Central Railway, is the first station in Bihar to offer free Wi-Fi. The facility was launched in Patna, Visakhapatnam and Ranchi last month.
Railway Minister Suresh Prabhu had said that the government planned to introduce the service at 400 railway stations across India by 2019. The project was launched in collaboration with Google India, and the service is being provided under Railwire, the retail broadband distribution model of Railtel.
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