Delhi Chief Minister and Aam Aadmi Party chief Arvind Kejriwal on Sunday urged Bharatiya Janata Party President Amit Shah to refrain from "disrupting his rally" scheduled to be held in Gujarat's Surat the same day. Kejriwal's comments follow the arrest of Aam Aadmi Party's Matiala MLA Gulab Singh before the rally. Kejriwal told media persons that he was informed of Shah's attempts to "scuttle the rally".
Kejriwal said, ''He [Amit Shah] is sending his people to different places [where I go] to stage protests. I appeal to Amit Shah that today's rally is not my rally. It is a rally of the Gujarat people and I request him not to put any impediments."Kejriwal will address the rally with AAP leader Kumar Vishwas, NDTV reported.
Police arrested AAP MLA Gulab Singh after he surrendered at Umra in Surat, Gujarat, in connection with an alleged extortion case on Sunday. Kejriwal, however, had questioned the timing of the arrest. The Delhi chief minister tweeted, “Just 2 days before Surat rally, Delhi police obtains non-bailable warrant against our Gujarat prabhari, Gulab Singh, in a completely false case. Will Gulab be arrested before the rally?”
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