An Austrian stuntman, Josef Tödtling, 36, has three rather dangerous Guinness world records to his credit.

A video released recently shows the man in action as he's set on fire and dragged along a field of grass by a horse. His record lasts for an impressive five minutes and forty one seconds. He successfully beat the previous record holder by 16 seconds.

Yes, that's a strange record.

Brace yourself because the video isn’t meant for the faint-hearted. Tödtling only had multiple layers of clothing as protection and cool gel, coupled with metal shin and elbow pads.


He’s shown being pulled by a horse, a feat which lasted for an impressive distance of 500 metres. Along the way he also set a record for the longest distance pulled by a horse – full body burn. A quad-biker ride came to his rescue eventually, using lamp oil to get rid of the flames.

The fearless stuntman wasn’t satisfied and outdid himself with a 582-metre record with a twist. He was tied to the back of the bike this time around and beat the record for the longest distance pulled by a vehicle – full-body burn.

Apparently, Tödtling loved the experience. he was quoted as saying, "It just feels amazing to be a Guinness World Records holder because there are many people in the world, and I did it best and […] that’s pretty cool and amazing.”