The move to block the entry to the road, which is an arterial one in Chennai, has led to traffic snarls all over the city and especially in central parts of the city. Commuters were asked to take a detour and most of them complained of being stuck in Egmore, Nungambakkam and Anna Salai. They added that traffic came to a stop on Mount Road and Old Commissioner Office Road. Local resident Jamal told India Today, "The 1.5-km distance that can be covered in five minutes took more than 20 minutes."
Jayalalithaa, who was admitted to the hospital with fever and dehydration on Thursday night, is reportedly stable now. However, she is still under observation. Doctors have not yet said when the chief minister will be discharged from the hospital, but All India Anna Dravida Munnetra Kazhagam officials said she will be sent home soon. Party supporters and members from all over the state flocked to Chennai to visit their chief.
People also crowded near the hospital:
Local residents took to Twitter after the traffic jams:
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