Weekend reads

  1. In the Telegraph, Ruchir Joshi on Mother Teresa's role in the myth of Kolkata and whether she is worthy of reverence.
  2. As the Uttar Pradesh polls inch closer, should Mayawati forge a Dalit-Muslim alliance and link her lot with the Congress? In the Indian Express, Christophe Jaffrelot weighs in.
  3. In the Hindu, Nirmal Kumar Ganguly and Bratati Mukhopadhyay on the hyperendemic form of the dengue outbreak in Delhi this year.
  4. In Hindu BLInk, Deepa Bhashthi retraces the course of London's Great Fire, which broke out one summer night in 1666.
  5. Pamela Timms revisits the forgotten cookbooks of Leslie Forbes in Livemint-Lounge.
  6. Erna Solberg, prime minister of Norway, speaks out in the Guardian against Facebook's attempt to edit the "napalm girl" out of history.
  7. In the New York Times, Andi Zeisler on Hillary Clinton and the word that has pursued her through the course of her career.
  8. How do you take electricity to villages and also preserve the habitat of the Great Indian Bustard? In the Indian Express, Sutirtha Dutta reflects on the challenges of rural development that factors in wildlife conservation.
  9. In the Washington Post, Michael Morell and Mike Vickers tell United States presidential candidate Donald Trump why he cannot credibly serve the nation if he embraces Russian President Vladimir Putin.
  10. The Syrian ceasefire agreed on by Russia and the US may be a turning point in the war but the Islamic State and Al Nusra are unlikely to go without a fight, writes Patrick Cockburn in the Independent.