Punjab Chief Minister Parkash Singh Badal's address at a "Dalit Chetna" rally in the state was interrupted on Tuesday by two women from the Scheduled Caste community who countered Badal's claims regarding government schemes allegedly implemented for the Dalits, reported The Indian Express. At the public meeting at Killianwali of Lambi in Muktsar, Raj Rani said, "CM saab, you might be running all these schemes, but we are not getting any benefits. The results of it are not reaching the people, which means either your leaders or officers are eating it all up." The chief minister reportedly wound up his speech and left the venue soon after.
Rani was accompanied by one Manjit Kaur. The women made the comments when Badal was listing out his government's achievements and policies allegedly implemented for the community. Speaking to party workers in his own constituency, the ruling Shiromani Akali Dal chief said Dalits are the backbone of Punjab, and his party has always been a votary of their rights, according to The Hindu. According to him, the state was the first in the country to start Atta-Dal scheme. He said the state government has so far distributed pulses worth Rs 3,415 among 1.13 crore beneficiaries under the scheme. He also said another 7 lakh people will be brought under the scheme soon.
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