Weekend Reads

  1. Dams and dredging mean India's only dolphin reserve is in danger. Arati Kumar-Rao, in the Hindustan Times, asks 'Where have the Ganga's dolphins gone?'
  2. I am Dalit, writes Sumit Baudh in the Indian Express, not SC.
  3. Pragya Singh in Outlook reports on the unbearable stench of caste as Dalits continue to descend into sewers to keep India clean. 
  4. Black kites, cheels, could be an indicator of urban ecosystem health, writes Praveen S Thampi in the Economic Times
  5. "Even confessing to friends about the unbearable loneliness of a privileged existence is an option fraught with the prospect of scandal," writes Veena Venugopal in Blink. 
  6. There is no war in Bastar, writes Aritra Bhattacharyya in Caravan, only battles.
  7. Torsa Ghoshal in the Ladies Finger lists out all the rubbish lessons from sports, starting with "the most important thing about a woman doing anything is her clothes".
  8. All those happy reports about hundreds of millions of Indians on the internet? The number is probably closer to 60 million, writes Deepak Abbot in a set of slides on Medium.
  9. Bihar's prohibition machinery, which has put more than 4,000 people in jail, is over-burdened and breathless, report Santosh Singh and Prashant Pandey in the Indian Express.
  10. The Burkini-Bikini false equivalence and your disproportionate outrage, by Hiba Krisht on the Ex-Muslim.