Weekend Reads

  1. Written by Scott Anderson, the New York Times has a special feature of how the 2003 American invasion of Iraq and its aftermath fractured the Arab world.
  2. As Dipa Karmakar attempts her Produnova in Rio today, Aniruddha Ghosal from the Indian Express travels to Tripura, India’s gymnastics capital, to trace how it all began with a SAI centre in Patiala.
  3. As Prime Minister Modi raises the issue of human rights abuse by Pakistan in Balochistan to counter Pakistan’s views on Kashmir, in the Nation, Yogeena Veena explains how Balochistan became a part of Pakistan.
  4. In the Hindu Business Line, Vivek Singh travels to Kokrajhar and writes about how violence has scared this region in Assam.
  5. In Further Field, Dmytri Kleiner tells you how a universal basic income is something that will actually make the poorest even poorer.
  6. In the Paris Review, Edward White writes about Seyahatname, one of history’s greatest travelogues written by the seventeenth century writer, Turkish Evliya Çelebi.
  7. How the invention of the alphabet usurped female power in society and sparked the rise of patriarchy in human culture explains Maria Popova in Brain Pickings.
  8. In the Hindu Business Line, Zac O’Yeah writes about travelling to the Kerala town of Thalassery, to which the world’s first heavy metal band might owe its existence.
  9. In the Hindustan Times, Ramachandra Guha explains why you don't need to know Hindi, be a Hindu or hate Pakistan to be an Indian.
  10. James Flynn, one of the world’s foremost researchers in human intelligence, has a TED talk that explains why IQ scores have shot up in the last century.
