Many scientists and inventors want everyone to believe that the only tool to combat all the problems of the world is more technology.

Science educator Bill Nye, who previously said that philosophy is dead and science has replaced it, wants us to "invent our way out of climate change". According to technologist Ramez Naam this can only happen if "we let science save us".

Physicist Stephen Hawking, however, is more sceptical. Last year, much to the ire of the Silicon Valley tech community, he argued that technology had increased income inequality and he warned that "humanity is going to use science and technology to wipe itself out".


In this war against climate change, inequality, transport crises, pollution, and more, there's one invention that keeps being propped up as a way forward. From capturing footage that you'd never see in normal course, to replacing taxis, drones seem to be capable of just about anything.

In five years times, drones or unmanned aerial vehicles will be out in the world doing a world of good, especially in the continent of Africa, according to one study. Medicine, agriculture, tourism and environmental protection are some of the uses to which drones could be put. Of course, as with most human inventions, they can cause harm too.

The video above shows a drone created by Michigan-based Vayu Inc. The video claims that when it transported lab samples from people to clinics on July 27, 2016, it was the first time in history that such a thing had been done. The aim is to combat poor rural connectivity to accessible health care – according to figures cited in the video, one billion people in the world lack access to roads connecting them to hospitals and medicines.

The service might be revolutionary, but the advertisement itself has a lot of catching up to do, especially in sections where a group of smiling children are shown overjoyed by the prospect of the drone – an image that's embarrassingly typical to campaigns which focus on Africa.