On Thursday, Britain voted to leave the European Union. Scotland, Southeast England and London are – now, officially – the only areas where people voted in favour of remaining in the European Union while people in Wales and the rest of England strongly backed the "Leave" campaign, jotting up 51.9% of the votes.

On Friday, British Prime Minister David Cameron announced his resignation from the post – he said he had informed the Queen of his decision to hand over to a new prime minister by the time of the Conservative conference in October.


But more than 2,00,000 "Remain" supporters have signed a petition asking for a second referendum.

It is raining satire. So much so that even news reports seemed to not be immune. According to a Washington Post report, Britons who voted for leaving may not even be sure about what the EU stands for.

Searches for "What happens if we leave the EU" more than tripled on Google.

A news channel showed a man wishing he could take back his Brexit vote. Others too are not looking forward to the period of uncertainty they seem to have voted themselves into.


While confusion prevails, a Vox cartoon hoped to answer the looming question of "What happens next?"

Indian media outlets too joined in, trying to make sense of the news that seems to have taken the world by surprise.

Cartoonists seem to be reflecting the predominantly somber mood, coming up with gloomy scenarios, predicting a hard time ahead for the fragmented United Kingdom.

But it is not all gloom and doom.

These are some of the most powerful memes and cartoons going viral on social media.