At a press conference at the BJP headquarters, Irani jumped to Jaitley's defence, listing out several reasons why Delhi chief minister Arvind Kejriwal and his party had no case against the finance minister. The clincher was that the allegations were a "blasphemous and preposterous campaign bordering on political hysteria". On social media, Irani's use of the word "blasphemous" instantly diverted attention from the Kejriwal-Jaitley spat to the dictionary meaning of the word, and a side show ensued on Twitter.
Sagarika Ghose recorded the prominent reaction on Twitter, with the Oxford-educated journalist questioning Irani's use of the word.
Smriti Irani says charges are "blasphemous"! Erm..blasphemy? As in an act of insulting God?
— Sagarika Ghose (@sagarikaghose) December 17, 2015
Irani, not one to shy away from an online spat with a journalist, immediately shot back and asked Ghose to confront her directly instead of speaking behind her back.
@sagarikaghose mujhse kuch kehna hai to tag me, Peeth peeche kaayar bolte hai. Have a good day.
— Smriti Z Irani (@smritiirani) December 17, 2015
After presumably consulting the Merriam-Webster dictionary, Irani, who once claimed to hold a degree at Yale, took another swipe at Ghose.
@sagarikaghose by the way the term 'blasphemy' is also used in context of those we consider 'inviolable', do let me know if I'm wrong.
— Smriti Z Irani (@smritiirani) December 17, 2015
There was a lull before another exchange between the two women that lasted a few minutes.
The spat heralded a field day for observers on Twitter. The debate eventually turned into one over Oxford vs Yale and Oxford Dictionary vs the rest. What was clear was that the controversy about Irani's educational qualifications will continue to haunt her. Here's a selection:
@ek_Kiran @UmaSinghal1 Smriti Irani has clarified. Jaitley is inviolable and accusing him is blasphemy. Lol !!
— Atul Agarwal (@Aga_Atul) December 17, 2015
@sagarikaghose "blasphemous" not "blasphemy". If u think logically you will appreciate the nuance. But a jurno always is adverse.
— Sunil V Khaitan (@vksunil) December 17, 2015
@yaps9 Don't commit "Blasphemy" by asking Oxford 'educated' @sagarikaghose to interview 'illiterate' @smritiirani.
— Akhilesh Mishra (@maverickilroy) December 17, 2015
Does @smritiirani know what "blasphemy" means (insulting God) dear God she's education minister! #DDCAhauntsJaitley
— swati chaturvedi (@bainjal) December 17, 2015
BTW, Jaitly Should thank Smriti Irani for shifting the debate from his corruption to her understanding of the word "Blasphemous"
— Altruism (@Altruism___) December 17, 2015
"Marry Christmas & a phosphorus new ear" ~Smriti Irani #Blasphemous
— Sam (@SoGe89) December 17, 2015
Blasphemy:Impious utterance,profane talk in regard to something considered sacrosanct. @sagarikaghose you better update urself. Smriti Irani
— Pandemonium (@JyotsnaPandey29) December 17, 2015
BREAKING: Smriti Irani has issued a fatwa that all mentions of her in newspapers should address her with her Twitter handle. #DontBeCowards
— Blasphemous Brumby (@brownbrumby) December 17, 2015
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