The Uttar Pradesh Police Recruitment and Promotion Board (UPPRPB) has released the admit for the Jail Warder, Firemen, and Constable recruitment Physical Efficiency Test (PET) on its official website. The Board has also released the PET schedule for over 14,000 candidates.

The admit card and the PET schedule can be downloaded from the UPPRPB website The PET round will be conducted from March 23 at eight locations across UP. Candidates shall appear for the PET at the venue and time notified in the schedule and carry their admit cards.


Here are direct links to UPPRPRB PET schedule:

Steps to download PET admit card:

  1. Visit UPPRPB website
  2. Click on the admit card link
  3. Enter roll no and date of birth to access admit card
  4. Download admit card and take printout.

Here’s direct link to download PET admit card.

The recruitment drive is being conducted to fill a total of 5805 vacancies, of which, 2065 vacancies are for Fireman post, 3012 for male Jail Warden, 626 for female Jail Warden, and 102 for Constable.