Himachal Pradesh Staff Selection Commission (HPSSC) has released the provisional answer key of written screening tests for the post of Trained Graduate Teacher (TGT) Arts on the official website. Candidates, who attempted the HPSSSB TGT Arts examination on December 13, 2020, can download the answer key from HPSSC official website at hpsssb.hp.gov.in.

Here’s the direct link to download TGT Arts preliminary answer key 2020.

As per the official notice, “Candidates can raise objections against any answer and submit it along with documentary proof by post or in person to HPSSC office on or before January 20, 2021, by 5.00 PM. No objection will be accepted through email.”


Candidates must mention the post name, post code, roll number, series number and question number of their question booklet.

Steps to download HPSSC TGT Arts 2020 answer key:

  1. Visit the official website hpsssb.hp.gov.in.
  2. Click on the ‘Latest Notification’ tab.
  3. On the new webpage, click on ‘Provisional Answer Key for the Post of TGT (Arts) Post Code-795 (New) (Date: 13 Jan 2021)’.
  4. The preliminary answer key 2020 will be downloaded.

HPSSC shall release the final keys after considering all the objections. Afterward, HPSSC TGT Arts result shall be announced. The recruitment is being done to fill up 307 vacancies of TGT (Arts), against post code 795, in the HP, says a report by JAGRAN Josh.